You can use green onions, green garlic, and any herbs that you like!
CHICKEN STOCK, roasted or plain
1 bag of Shaky K Farm chicken frames (2 or 3 frames)
For roasted chicken stock (preferred but not mandatory):
Thaw frames and lay on a greased sheet pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast at 450 degrees for 30 minutes. Add 15 minutes if you didn’t preheat the oven.
Use a large crock pot or instant pot for this, so you can leave it on overnight or for 24 hours.
You will need:
2 or 3 Frames, roasted or plain
1 or 2 large onions, quartered and then halved
2 carrots, scrubbed, trimmed and broken in half
4 ribs celery, washed, trimmed and broken in half
2 whole heads of garlic, peeled and smashed a little
1 T kosher salt
Sage: 3 stems, washed and chopped, or 1 Tablespoon ground sage
Rosemary: 1 6” to 8” stem, washed and leaves stripped off, or 1 Tablespoon dried, or ½ teaspoon ground
If desired, 1 Tablespoon Monterey Chicken Seasoning
1 Tablespoon turmeric
½ cup apple cider vinegar
Add all the herbs and seasonings except salt to the pot. Set the frames on top. Sprinkle the salt on top. Add water to cover the frames by a couple of inches.
Set on low and leave for 6 hours. Stir at the end of that time (or in the morning, if you began at night). Leave it on for a minimum of 12 more hours. Strain and savor the delicious nutrition of this healthy, rich broth. Going down, it feels like a cupful of love.
This is a recipe for which there are an infinite number of variations. Correct the seasoning to your own liking, and use the herbs of your choice. No limit to what you can do making this stock, and the ways it will enrich your menu repertoire will make you wonder how you ever lived without it up ‘til now.
This is now a staple in our pantry!